Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thursdays Child Contentment = Thankfullness

I remember when I was growing up and I wanted to have the latest fad or clothes, some of the time I got it, some of the time I was told "You don't want to be like everyone else do you?" I am thankful for that lesson. That's not really the topic of this Thursdays Child, that's just a thankful freebie I threw in. I struggled with the idea of doing a "Thankful" topic for today, because I figured that's what everyone is writing about. As I went about my day on Wednesday however, I became more and more aware of Philippians 4. As we go through life we encounter a variety of circumstances, many enjoyable, many not. If we allow them to, the adverse circumstances could leave us angry and bitter. As Paul says in verse 11, Paul the Apostle that is, whether we have need or abundance we can learn to be content in all circumstances. In verse 13 he says "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." When I think about going from being married and sharing marital duties to being single again and having to take care of everything, it can be quite overwhelming. But, at the end of the day when everything is done I realized that I learned an important lesson God's strength, and contentment, and that in turn made me realize that I am thankful, for my kids, grandkids, and yes, even my kids' mothers, because without them, I obviously wouldn't have the kids or the grandkids. So, if your circumstances seem so overwhelming, take a moment today to search for that strength find the positive things in your life, and all the things you have to be thankful for. Then I believe you to will find contentment. Thanks for searching with me, Paul

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