Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursdays Child-Gifts of the Spirit

This week on Thursdays Child we'll take a look at the gifts of the Spirit. As we talked about last week, these are some of the things we've inherited by becoming children of God. They are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Instead of quoting the scripture word for word I'll just list them. Wisdom, knowledge, special faith, power to heal, power to perform miracles, prophesy, ability to know whether a Spirit is of God or another spirit is speaking, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues. Verse 11 says "It is the one and only Spirit who distributes these gifts, and He alone decides which gifts each person recieves." I know there is some debate whether these gifts are active today. I used to work with a lady who believed when the last of the apostles died, the gifts ceased. I personally believe, as I have said, that since we have been adopted by the Father, His gifts are available to us. We also have to remember the last part of verse 11. He decides who gets these gifts. I also wonder, once you have recognized your gift do you always have it like Benny Hinn and the other healers, or does He allow you gifts in certain situations, never to use it again? I know there have been times when my wife and I have prayed for people and they have been healed. Does that mean we could travel and make a ministry out of it? Maybe, but I don't think we have been given that "special faith" gift because we are much more comfortable with the security of jobs with steady paychecks. The previous question can possibly be answered in Hebrews 2:4. The last part of that verse says "He gives the gifts whenever He chooses." This section is actually talking about how our salvation is verified whenever He has chosen to give us these gifts. That doesn't mean we aren't saved if we never recieve a gift, but I do believe that the more we search for God and become closer to Him the more He will allow us to experience. So keep searching for Him, and keep searching for your gift. Thanks for searching with me, Paul

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