Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursdays Child-John 1:10,11

This week on Thursdays Child we're going to skip over verses 6-9 of John 1because they deal with John The Baptist, and we'll talk about him in more detail later. So, this week I would like to start with verse 10 which says, "although the world was made through Him the world did not recognize Him." 11) Even in His own land and among His own people He was not accepted. The key phrase here is "being accepted." Of course, they recognized Him in the literal since of the word. So how was it they didn't they recognize Him? As the Messiah. As their Savior. Now a big question would be, why didn't they? As I was thinking about this I applied it to my own life. I left Florida at 18 years old. If I had gone back at 30, and I came upon my cousin baptizing people in a lake, and he started saying "look, there is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" I don't think I would get such a warm welcome either. I could imagine being ignored at first then if I would have done the same things Jesus did I could imagine being treated the same way. Granted, Jesus grew up living a sinless life, and none of us can claim that. But still they knew Him as just a carpenter's son. Fortunately alot of people outside of His own town did believe. I think we need to remember that all through the Bible there are stories of God using the so called "lower class" of people to do the greatest things. So, never forget that even though we may not think we have what it takes to do great things God sometimes has a different plan. Thanks for searching with me, Paul

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still think you need to publish these into a devotion book, with the same title as your website. I think the cover of the book should be the night picture on your website. I like the tree's reflection in the lake on the moonlit night. Your scripture and comments are enlightening.

