Sunday, December 6, 2009

Abbreviations Instead Of Conversations

Long before texting and Twitter the military found it was easier and faster to abbreviate to get a message out. All of a sudden the civilian caught on to this, we call bands by their initials even though they have names, we eat at BK, and I just can't bring myself to say KFC, to me it will always be Kentucky Fried Chicken. But in the last few months I've been told I need to become a part of the new millinium. Well, I have decided to. In a post back in October we talked about kindness. I'd like to expand on that. Although in that post, kindness was more of a balanced lifestyle, and being respectfull. Here, I'd like to remind everyone that there are acts of kindness. I haven't heard the term for some time but remember when the term "Random Acts Of Kindness" was floating around? I'd like to suggest we modernize these acts and simply call them RAK's. As a matter of fact this would be a good time of year to practice these RAK's. Helping people out to their car with their packages, even not being crabby in all the madness would be nice, but use your imagination. What would really be nice, if you see someone perfoming a RAK, let them know, lets encourage one another. Tell them "Hey, nice RAK." Be encouraging but cautious, using abbreviations could get you in trouble some day.

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