Sunday, August 15, 2010

What If It's True?

The other day my alarm clock went off, and as I was waking up I felt a sharp pain on my foot. It wasn't inside like a cramp, it seemed to be outside. You automatically think spider when something like that happens. If you've ever seen pictures of Brown Recluse Spider bites, you know that is nothing to mess around with. After checking it out, I didn't find any fang marks, or anything that looked like I had been bitten. It did remind me of something I heard recently. I heard on a radio show that has trivia segments, that over the course of our lifetime we will swallow about eight spiders while we sleep. So, if you've ever woke up in the morning with a scratchy throat, or if it feels like there is something in your throat and you need a drink....maybe that was one.

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