The visions were sentimental/emotional flashes of being back in Florida. The moment we walked off the plane and I could see the palm trees through the windows of Orlando International I felt a sense of relief. I knew the vision question had been answered. I had been away too long. I needed to be there, for me, for the experience for my kids. They are growing up in South Dakota, and that's a clean, wholesome lifestyle, but I also want them to experience the culture I grew up in. As I think about it, our lives are reversed. They don't know winter without snow and frigid cold. I didn't even see snow 'til I was 16, and it didn't even cover the grass, but we made a snowman anyway.
If you remember, the Declaration Of Independence starts out by saying "When in the course of human events..." Well, it basically goes on to say that the new America is separating themselves from England. I think our trip was the opposite. Everyone I talked to thought it was so weird that the kids mom and I would go on vacation with the kids even though we're separated. Remember though, it was only the first line that kept coming to mind. It wasn't until I read it that I noticed the separation part. It wasn't a final separation that happened. No, it wasn't a reunion either. I think it did teach a lot of people a very important lesson. Just because life doesn't go the way people see as normal doesn't mean there has to be bitterness. I think the reason that first line kept coming to mind was so I could continue it this way. When in the course of human events there is no room for selfishness and ego. A decision should be based on what is best for that particular situation.
I learned that since my kids LIVE the midwest lifestyle I also want them to grow up knowing the southern lifestyle not just experiencing it once in a while. As I say in many of my posts "Thanks for searching with me." Life is a series of searching and discovering. Thanks for sharing this one with me, Paul