Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursdays Child- What's In A Name

This week on Thursdays Child I'd like to try to answer a question I've been having since we started in John. The question is, why is John calling Jesus "The Word?" I mean why couldn't he have just said "In the beginning Jesus already existed etc. etc." Well, on there are bible study tools you can go to. So, I went looking around and found a lexicon. I didn't know what that was but I checked it out anyway. I found that it translates English words to Greek and Hebrew. I also found that there are quite a few words used for the word, "word". Two that I was kind of familiar with were Logos, and Rhema. Rhema is used for the written word. Logos is used for the spoken word. There was also a note that said a philosopher named Heraclitus first used the term Logos to designate the divine plan which coordinates a changing universe. That is why John was using it here. Jesus spoke creation into existence, which changed the world, and He also came to earth as a human to change the world. If they would have written back then like we talk today it would be so much easier to understand, but I like being able to figure these things out. I just hope that you find it as interesting as I do, and that your questions are being answered as well. As I look over John 1:1-5 it looks like we've squeezed as much out of that as we possibly can, so we'll continue on next week. Thanks for searching with me, Paul

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