Before I get started I need to mention another story I just posted over at Short stories are going to go over there now, so I can devote this blog strictly to Thursdays Child, and random thoughts of my not so normal mind. Or, maybe it is normal, and everyone else just isn't ready to admit it. HHHMMM. Check out the story, and let me know what you think.
I know I haven't had a Thursdays Child for a while and for those stop by mainly for that, I apologize.
I have a feeling we're going to have more titles with "religious frustrations" in them now that we're going to get into more and more of Jesus' teachings. This post is going to include all of John 5. The first part of the passage is about Jesus performing a miracle, but I think the real lesson is the last part, where he reprimands the religious leaders.
The story is about a man who has been sick for thirty eight years and lies by the pool of Bethesda waiting to be healed. The only way to be healed is, if you are the first person to get in to the water, while the angel is stirring it. Since there is no one to help him in, someone else always gets there first. He explained this to Jesus when Jesus asked him if he wanted to be well. So, Jesus told him to pick up his sleeping mat, and walk. What we don't know, and what I wonder is, does someone bring him there every day, on their way to work maybe, and pick him up on their way home? Does he stay there for days, until someone takes him home? And where are they when the water is stirred? Why don't they tell us this information. It would probably help us to understand it a lot more. ANYWAY, He's walking with his mat, and guess what? It's the Sabbath, and the Jewish leaders saw him. They asked the man why he was carrying his mat on the Sabbath, he told them the man who healed him told him to. At first, he wasn't sure who healed him since Jesus had left but, eventually he was able to tell them it was Jesus. After that the leaders started harassing Jesus. Starting in verse 17, and continues through verse 47, the end of the chapter. I won't write all 30 verses here, but the ones that really stood out to me were, verses 41, and 42. Jesus tells them, "Your approval or disapproval means nothing to me, because I know you don't have God's love within you." Isn't that how we should all feel? As long as the things we do glorify God, why should we care what other people think? I know certain denominations have rules they abide by. Where do these rules come from? Why aren't some allowed to dance? Why do some think speaking in tongues is wrong? On one hand I think, if we just lived our lives, and treated people the way Jesus would, we would be fine. But, we would miss out on so much. The Holy Spirit came because Jesus went to be with the Father. The Holy Spirit is the one who provides us with the power that Jesus had while He was on the earth. If we did live as Jesus did, yes, that would ensure our salvation, or ticket to heaven. But, getting to know the Holy Spirit and experiencing God in that way, makes life a whole lot more rewarding. The restrictions denominations put on people are actually preventing God from using them to their full potential. That's what frustrating to me. We teach our kids to do their best, so they will learn to live up to their full potential. That shouldn't to school and work. That should apply to doing living for God also, and should continue as we grow into adulthood. If you've never experienced the power of the Holy Spirit, I encourage you to just ask God to show Himself more in your life. Ask Him where to start, then, just be aware of all thoughts as they come to mind. He'll direct you. He just might direct you right over to Google. There are Christian sites on the internet too. Just keep searching.
Thanks for searching with me,